Dit evenement is afgelast i.v.m. het coronavirus.
Health Valley Event 2020 will be bigger and more international than ever before! On 10, 11 and 12 March, 2020, discover the latest trends and developments in health care. Spend three days emerging yourself in the healthcare of the future and consider the challenges we are facing today.
HVE 2020 offers an inspirational program. We invite everyone in health innovation, healthcare, business, education, science and government to share their knowledge and experiences. It’s a great opportunity to connect with other visitors and to strengthen your network. This is where we come together to shape the future of healthcare!
On the first day of HVE we take you on a tour through our region to experience the latest trends and innovations in health! Choose from hotspots focusing on Medical Devices, Prevention or Pharma. A bus will take you to the hotspot of your choosing. We will wrap up the day with a networking dinner in Nijmegen.
Dive into the latest developments in Life Sciences and Med Tech! With a program full of inspiring keynote speakers and a variety of sessions. Additionally we also discuss Digital Health applications. See and experience the latest innovations and demonstrations on our vibrant exhibition floor.
This day is all about tomorrow’s healthcare. How will patients benefit from our innovations? Let yourself get inspired by the latest applications within Digital Health, like Gaming in Healthcare, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain. We also cover topics like Life Sciences and MedTech. Together, we will find ways to really improve healthcare.
For more information: https://www.healthvalleyevent.com/hve2020/
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