

8:00 - 19:00

The focal point of ECTMIH 2023 is to shape the future of equitable and sustainable planetary health, concentrating on the consequences of more extreme weather events worldwide. Thousands of lives were lost in 2022 due to catastrophic conditions like heatwaves in the US, wildfires in Europe, cyclones in East Africa, lightning strikes in India, and floods in Pakistan. The ongoing reduction in biodiversity, including the significant decline in wildlife populations, alongside the escalating degradation and pollution of natural habitats, presents an urgent need for action. It is imperative to address the considerable harm caused by human activities and to recognize the intrinsic connection between human health and the health of the planet.

The concept of planetary health illustrates the interdependence of human health and climate fluctuations in our swiftly changing ecosystem. This principle serves as the overarching motif threading through the ECTMIH 2023 agenda. The objective of ECTMIH 2023 is to expedite the comprehension, valuation, and interlinkages between tropical medicine, global health, and the pressing realm of planetary health. By building upon established global health practices, we underscore the significance of health parity and comprehensive health coverage, ensuring that all communities, particularly those in resource-scarce settings, have optimal opportunities for health and well-being.

To bolster this central focus on planetary health, crosscutting themes will encompass preventive measures, innovative diagnostics, treatment and care approaches, community and public health considerations, universal health coverage, health equity, and the involvement of social sciences in global health exploration. With this in view, ECTMIH 2023 will:

  • Function as a catalyst for the necessary transitions and adjustments aimed at attaining equitable, just, and sustainable societies.
  • Promote the active engagement of researchers from low and middle-income nations, alongside global thought leaders, policymakers, and decision-makers.
  • Foster discussions about the roles of collaborative agencies and scientific institutions across all domains of global health.

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