Seminar Making Green Work for Health


Berlagezaal 1, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft


Organized in collaboration with the University of São Paulo, Insper and BK Urban Health program, this seminar aims to bring to the stage new knowledge and practices at the intersection of urban greening, health, and economic opportunities (green jobs, inclusive employment, etc.).

Greening is a mainstream strategy in urban climate policies, and planting trees is particularly popular: Trees capture carbon dioxide, mitigate the urban heat island, and improve liveability and public health. However, urbanization is causing a global decline of mature trees, undermining human health. In this context, Making Green Work for Health departs from the simple premise that planting trees isn’t sufficient to support human health, and that urban trees need to be healthy too. Our hypothesis is that facilitating and empowering new economies of green care at the local scale can address this issue while helping tackle inequalities and ensure a just green transition.

The day will include two parts: (1) a first one with 2 panels featuring seminar presentations plus Q&A in the morning, followed by (2) an afternoon working session to forge new collaborations. This working session aims to identify potential partners and chart a specific roadmap for advancing the project, including the exploration of targeted funding proposals. Should you be willing to take part in the work session, please register and indicate your preference in the form.

This seminar is funded via the Call for Proposals SPRINT 2022 for the organization of exchange activities between Delft and São Paulo.

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