Uitreiking Young Medical Delta Thesis Awards 2024


Hudson Leiden, Nieuwe Beestenmarkt 15-21, 2312 CG

19:00h - 22.30h

Join us for an inspiring evening at the Thesis Awards 2024! This event isn't just about recognizing the hard work and achievements of our brightest students. It's a celebration of the pioneering spirit in medical technology.

Here’s what you can look forward to:
👉 Engaging thesis presentations by talented students.
👉 Insightful discussions and networking opportunities with professionals and academics in the field.
👉 A firsthand experience of the innovative ideas shaping the future of healthcare.

👥 A Gathering of Minds
Whether you're a student, a professional in the field, or simply someone who appreciates the power of scientific innovation, this event is for you. It's a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and be inspired.

🎟️ Open to All
The event is open to everyone – bring your friends, family, and colleagues to share in this experience. Let’s support and cheer on the future innovators of medical technology!

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