This years' Young Medical Delta Thesis Awards will be held on May 10th 2021.
Short introduction about Young Medical Delta
By Jasper Faber, Chair of the Young Medical Delta Board
Keynote speech
By prof. dr. Wiro Niessen (Erasmus MC / TU Delft), Medical Delta professor
Announcing the winners!
Master Thesis
Caitlin Ramsey: Application of Millimeter Wave Radar to Monitor Vital Signs in the NICU
Jette Bloemberg: MRI-ready actuation system for a self-propelling needle - A design and experimental approach
Rick Waasdorp: Tracking Electromechanical Muscle Dynamics using Ultrafast Ultrasound and High-density EMG
Dylan den Hartog: The Stumblemeter: design and validation of a system that detects and classifies human stumbling during gait
PhD Thesis
Juan Cuellar: Hand prostheses in developing countries
Sebastien Callens: The curious case of curvature: geometric perspectives on biomaterial design
Sebastian van der Voort: Eye to AI - MR imaging analysis of glioma using machine learning
Closing the ceremony
(Please note that the Zoom link will be shared via e-mail on the day of the event.)
For a small impression, see the nominees and winners of the 2020 Thesis Awards:
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